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inner landscaping

An adventure into the ecological
power of nature within you

with Kinchem Hegedus

Permaculture for the soul

Re-envision your life as a thriving, creative ecosystem using practices and rituals informed by the patterns and rhythms of nature.


Inner landscaping  workshops are inspired by permaculture, The Artist’s Way and eco-philosophy. 


Nature is an infinite source of creativity and the ultimate authority on adapting, thriving and evolving. Using the power of story and play inner landscaping deepens awareness of ourselves as part of nature and sparks our innate impulse to adapt, thrive and evolve in a changing world, working with rather than against nature.

Inner landscaping is a much-needed, positive, creative and heart-opening response to turbulent times. It takes you on a journey of conscious emergence to redesign your life with a new narrative of connection, creativity and community, and contribute to building a more beautiful world.

The changes we crave for ourselves and the changes we need to create a more sustainable world both begin in our inner landscapes.

Inner landscaping is an ecosystem of twelve practices inspired by permaculture principles.  This fresh interpretation of the permaculture principles helps to make sense of a world in which many narratives no longer ring true.

Inner landscaping deepens connections between personal and planetary change, awakening to nature as the creative and controlling force of the universe.


Creative change is evident in all thriving ecosystems, and we too can cultivate creative change by attuning to this innate, powerful force. It’s like riding a wave, carried by nature - the ultimate, unconquerable authority on life.

Inner landscaping expands the way you see, feel and think - forever changing the way you experience your world.
Direct experiences of the ecological nature of reality and consciousness start with the idea that energy exists in everything in nature, as the source of life, the life-force and the essence of creativity.
It explores the supreme wisdom of nature, based on the premise that life always seeks the ultimate conditions for life. Then, embracing the idea that we too are nature, the inner landscaping practices and rituals unearth that same inherent wisdom within our own inner landscapes. 

Inner landscaping invites you to try the practices and rituals to experience your eco-self (connected to all of life ecologically) through deep, embodied experiences of nature, soothing our primordial ache to know and feel that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, increasing our awareness of the exquisite truth and beauty of the oneness of life on Earth and beyond.

A world where nature is seen as the creative and controlling force of the universe could be the world we all dream of, a world where all life is held to be precious, and all lives thrive in harmony. It sounds like a dream, and yes, creating such a reality requires major transformation, beginning with deep shifts in our own inner landscapes.

The kind of deep and lasting systemic change that is needed for humanity to work in harmony with nature happens from the inside out, one heart and mind at a time. 


We know this world is possible because we each hold that memory deep within us, in the very matter of our being. The ancients lived in harmony with nature, and we can too. By aligning the life affirming values of our collective ancient wisdom with technology, science, art and philosophy we are perfectly positioned to create such a world.


Inner landscaping practices and rituals, taught over 12 sessions, are inspired by permaculture, Australia’s greatest intellectual export, in a synthesis of Kinchem’s expertise drawn from her lifelong curiosity  about creativity and the power of story.

Inner landscaping has been taught in Bali, Sydney, Vietnam, Amsterdam (and online) to an international community from  Budapest to New York, and  Singapore to Paris.


inner landscaping  2024 dates

Sydney: Jan 27 - April 7

Springfield: April 9 - June 25

Bali: Oct 23 - Nov 4

inner landscaping prices

Sydney: AUD $1200 

Springfield: AUD $1200

Bali: Oct 23 - Nov 4

USD$1000 non-residential

USD$4500 residential

*Payment plans available

about the creator and facilitator 

A third-culture child who then journeyed the expat road, Kinchem Hegedus lived in New York, Chicago and Singapore, earning an MFA in Fiction Writing and GraduateDiploma in Permaculture Design, learning from the likes of David Holmgren, Penny Livingstone, David Key, Stuart Hill, Luna Wood, Deepak Chopra, John Schultz and Karen Joy Fowler.

Kinchem has previously worked in venture capital, product development, strategy and start-ups in the banking/finance, education, real estate and non-profit sectors. 


It was in Bali, living deep in the jungle and immersed in the Green School community and ancient Balinese culture, that she created Inner Landscaping, transforming the lives of educators, global nomads,  creatives, olympians, lawyers, philanthropists, designers, bankers, engineers and mavericks.


Now based in Australia, Kinchem, her partner Peter and daughter Shannon, have created Life at Springfield, a sustainable retreat, hosting those who want to live more creatively and sustainably.

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Imagine Permaculture having a baby with 'The Artist’s Way' - inner landscaping is that love child, with nature as the true source of creativity.


- Shannon, Sydney

 inner landscaping benefits


Inner landscaping expands the way you see, feel and think - forever changing the way you experience your world. The twelve grounding practices and rituals focus on embodying the fullness of who you are to be fully and joyfully alive, leading you into a subtle, playful and powerful experience of growth often described by participants as 'awakening'. 


With inner landscaping  you travel 'in' to where you will find clarity about what needs to change in your life using a design system (inspired by permaculture) to cultivate creative change. This experience is perfect for anyone who is exploring or re-evaluating what is most important to you, what you want to put your energy into and how to find more joy in this crazy world. Inner landscaping helps you to identify your priorities and unique gifts, and inspires you to give who you are to a world that desperately needs you to show up authentically, in your full creative glory. 


Inner landscaping practices and rituals deepen the connections between personal and planetary change. Transformation is critical for us to live more sustainably - both personal and global - and both start in your inner landscape.

Many inner landscapers do experience profound epiphanies, but more importantly this is just the beginning of living a life that is perpetually unfolding, supported by holistic practices that replenish you every day.

Thich Nhat Hanh, who has inspired millions around the world with his peaceful wisdom, famously wrote: The Way Out Is In, suggesting that the way out of any difficulty is to look deeply within ourselves for insights and then put them into practice. Inner landscaping (which is what my book is about) is permaculture for the soul, and reminds us that we are Nature. 

Participants often say that the process helped them to 'remember' who they are, and to feel more 'awake'. You’ll also learn to practice new skills and habits to: nourish your creativity; revitalize your ideas about what life can offer; work with your true nature, rather than against it; connect to your community and be your own guru!


​Inner landscaping synthesizes recent research and ideas about mind-body/health with design process and creativity in a group process that includes readings, games, exercises, workshops, discussions - weaving it all together with a familiar thread of age-old wisdom. It is a tried and true framework, described by many past participants as joyful, transformative and life changing.


Whilst a beautiful and strong connection is forged within the group, this is not group therapy, and whilst it is great fun, it is not a 'party' (i.e. no alcohol - at least until the wrap-up session!) Inner landscaping does not follow any one particular creed or doctrine.

Inner landscaping is a way to participate in the global awakening that is expanding our consciousness, individually and collectively, and connecting deeply to your true self, to others and to this beautiful planet you belong to.

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